Barnwell County Career Center
Giving Our Students the Training to Succeed!
Welcome to the Barnwell County Career Center's website where our students are trained in their area of interest to help them achieve career goals and experience in their selected career.
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Barnwell County Career Center

1. Development of an awareness and appreciation of the environment by each student and his or her individual and collective responsibilities to it.
2. Maintenance of a diversified, competency-based curriculum which provides each student with the opportunity to realize his or her potential in traditional and/or nontraditional occupational and lifestyle roles.
3. Provision for the opportunity for competency-based occupational training for each student in Barnwell County.
4. Reinforcement of every student's basic skills in language, mathematics, science and communication.
5. Exposure of each student to opportunities for personal enrichment.
6. Assistance for each student in the development of his/her respect for other people including those of different races, ethnic origins, religions, gender, physical and mental capabilities as well as public and private property.
7. Provision for relevant career information so each student can make adequate career preparations at the present and in the future.
8. Assistance for each student in the understanding of the effects of drugs and/or alcohol on the human body and the far reaching effects that those lifestyle decisions have on himself or herself and on others.
9. Provision for each student with an opportunity for him or her to possess a basic understanding of the democratic process and the rights and responsibilities of each citizen in a democratic society while at the same time understanding the rightful place that authority has in society.
10. Encouragement of each student to develop the skills necessary to think independently but also to cooperate and contribute as a member of a team and to make sound decisions.
11. Provision for each student with an opportunity to acquire a positive self-concept and to accept his or her potentials and limitations in a constructive manner.
12. Provision for each student with an opportunity to acquire leadership skills through participation in an appropriate student organization.
13. Provision for each student with the job seeking/keeping skills necessary to find and retain gainful and satisfying employment.
14. Provision for instruction in the advantages and disadvantages of the free enterprise system and successful entrepreneurship.
15. Provision for instilling in each student the importance of having acceptable values and of practicing acceptable work ethics.
16. Provision for dialogue and cooperation with outside public agencies, private business and industrial firms, and community members in such a way that each student will receive enhanced training and employment opportunities
17. Provision for cooperation with the faculty and staff of other schools (both public and private) in the coordination and enhancement of student occupational training and preparation.
18. Establishment of liaisons with and support-promotion of the efforts of those members of the faculty and staff of feeder high schools who are involved in Tech Prep training.
19. Provision for students, graduates, teachers, and other members of the community with opportunities to receive additional training and educational opportunities after regular school hours.
20. Provision for teachers to seek avenues of input and communication so as to effectively respond to the individual student and community needs and to clarify the positive impact that this institution seeks to have on each person if affects.
21. Provision for each at-risk student in the occupational setting with a system of support in which he or she is motivated to succeed.
In Addition:
The center is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the provision of equal access to student services, programs and student employment, and in faculty and staff employment and advancement without regard to sex, race, color, age, social status, religion, creed, national origin, economic level or disability.